Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition official screenshot of the Brotherhood of Steel

While it might not be as Halloween themed as last week's Darkwood giveaway, I'm still happy to say that Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition is currently free to grab! All you have to do is head on over to the Epic Games Store, add Fallout 3 to your account and you'll be good to go.

As always, the only catch is that there is a bit of a time limit. So whether you're planning to play it right now or somewhere down the line, make sure to unlock Fallout 3 for your account before the giveaway goes away on October 27th. And since you're already there, make sure to grab Shiro Games' Evoland RPGs as they are entirely free as well.

For those of you wondering whether Fallout 3 is even worth the trouble, I would say the answer is yes if you're even remotely into the RPG genre. It's not my favorite Fallout game out of the bunch, not even when compared to the more modern ones, but much like a slice of pizza Fallout 3 is certainly still worth biting into. This goes doubly so in the current scenario as the whole thing is free!

Have fun, and I'll leave you with one of the Game of the Year trailers showing off both the atmosphere and the gameplay:

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