Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon machinegun screenshot

To celebrate their 30th anniversary Ubisoft has decided to offer a variety of free games, with each month bringing with it something new. As you can probably guess from the title alone, the free game for November is the surprisingly excellent and absolutely pants-on-head insane Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon.

If you're currently wondering why I'm adding so many adjectives to its description, perhaps it would be best if you just check out the launch trailer and see for yourself. Without spoiling too much, let's just say that Blood Dragon is not your usual Ubisoft game... not by a long shot. Anyway, have a look:

You can grab your free copy of Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon by heading over to the Ubisoft website, but do be warned, you will need to use Uplay in order to play it! I'll be the first one to admit that I don't enjoy using Uplay due to how clunky it is, but to be perfectly honest its not as bad as most people say. So don't worry too much about its reputation, and just go shoot some techno-dragons in Blood Dragon!

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon marines and a robo-dog

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