Frank West from Dead Rising 4

Frank West, the "completely serious journalist" and zombie slaying enthusiast, is set to return with Dead Rising 4 on December 6. As you might expect, it'll be available for both the Xbox One and Windows 10.

With that out of the way, here's the recently posted E3 trailer that's full of holiday cheer, absurd weaponry, and naturally, hordes of zombies getting splattered in a variety of hilarious ways:


I'm not sure what to say after that trailer given that I just witnessed Frank shove a dinosaur head on his face and then spew fire out of it, but its still not the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen in a Dead Rising game... not even close.

As for the actual gameplay footage, we have Eurogamer to thank for that as they have recently captured a solid 14 minutes of zombie smashing action. So far, I have to say its looking pretty damn good, but I do hope there's enough variety in there to keep DR4 enjoyable even after the zombie launcher becomes "just a thing that you do". Anyway, here's the video:


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