Ghost Recon Breakpoint screenshot of a forest ambush

According to an earlier announcement, Ghost Recon Breakpoint's Immersive Mode and Engineer class were supposed to arrive by the end of February as a part of a major update. Unfortunately, it would appear that this will not be the case. Instead, the Immersive Mode and its accompanying update will be released at some point this spring.

"We understand that you have been requesting more transparent communication and we aim to provide this whenever possible," reads the brief update. "There are a lot of moving parts in development which has made locking in dates challenging so we haven’t been able to communicate as much as we would have liked. We apologize for that and will be providing details on these upcoming additions starting early next month."

"Our objective with the new immersive mode is to provide an impactful update to the game using your feedback as the foundation. The immersive mode is built upon the results of the Community Survey, your observations gathered by our Community Managers, and workshops with the Delta Company alongside extensive playtesting. We are in the process of creating an experience that will change the way you are able to play Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint."

While I would love to tell you more about the Immersive Mode and just how much it'll change Ghost Recon Breakpoint, I'm afraid there's pretty much no information available as of right now. On the positive side, it seems that we'll be getting a full announcement on March 5th, so we at least won't have to wait for too long in order to find out just what Ubisoft has cooked up.

You can keep an eye on any further updates, as well as read a little bit more about this delay, over at Reddit.

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