Google Stadia game streaming service artwork

After a little over two years of activity, Google's game streaming service Stadia is now getting ready to join the likes of Google+ and Google Hangouts on the great farm in the sky. As is to be expected, once the servers shut down for good on January 18th, 2023 you'll lose access to all of your games, save files and other data.

Thankfully, it's not all bad news. First and foremost, Google will be issuing refunds for all game and add-on content purchases made through the Stadia store. This process is fully automatic and should be mostly completed by January 18th, though don't be surprised if it takes a little while longer given the sheer scale of the operation.

Additionally, major games like Borderlands 3 and Hitman 3 have shared ways for you to transfer your save files, so you can continue with your adventures even after Stadia has gone down. Ubisoft has gone a step further in this regard by offering Stadia players a free copy of their games, though this won't transfer any virtual currency you might have, so do make sure to spend it before Stadia closes down.

If you're confused about any of the details, or simply wondering how exactly the shutdown is going to happen, you can find the answers you seek over at Google's rather extensive FAQ. As for me, I'll leave you with the original GDC 2019 announcement for Stadia, partly for posterity's sake and partly because I'm still confused about that giant rock:

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