Guild Wars 2 Virtuoso artwork

[Update #2]: ArenaNet have now detailed how the End of Dragons expansion Legendaries will work.

[Update]: The fourth beta event has now arrived, and unsurprisingly, the Siege Turtle is pretty darn cool!

Throughout the past three beta events ArenaNet has given players a chance to test out all nine of the upcoming elite specializations from the End of Dragons expansion. While some, like the gunblade-wielding Bladesworn, ended up being an instant hit with the community, specializations like the Untamed and Harbinger garnered a far colder response due to their numerous issues.

Thankfully, this doesn't look like it'll be a problem for very long as ArenaNet has just announced an assortment of balance and design changes aimed at addressing player feedback. Literally every single specialization has undergone numerous improvements and will most certainly play far smoother than their first incarnation.

The list of changes is far too big to summarize, so if you're interested in any specialization in specific you can find all you need to know over at the Guild Wars 2 website. ArenaNet has done a pretty good job explaining what they're changing and why, so even if you don't care for the exact numbers behind each tweak, I'd say it's still worth a look just to see their design philosophy.

If you prefer a more hands-on approach, you'll also be happy to hear that you won't have to wait all that long in order to give the new and improved specializations a try. They'll be arriving with the fourth beta event this November 30th, and best of all, they'll come bearing a rather chunky gift - the mighty Siege Turtle mount!

Once the beta event goes live I'll make sure to let you know. For now, however, I'll leave you with a brief preview showing off the Siege Turtle. Enjoy!

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