Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons artwork for the Bladesworn specialization

[Update]: The second End of Dragons preview event is now live, and unsurprisingly the Bladesworn is pretty darn fun!

While the exact release date has not been announced just yet, Guild Wars 2's third expansion End of Dragons will be launching in early 2022. Once it arrives it'll bring with it the distant land of Cantha, a combat-focused turtle mount that seats two players, new Strikes, storylines and endgame challenges, as well as nine new elite specializations to toy around with.

Speaking of which, you might be happy to hear that we'll soon be getting another beta event showing off three of new specializations: the Elementalist based Catalyst, Warrior based Bladesworn, and Revenant based Vindicator. This second End of Dragons beta event will run from September 21 to September 25 and will be entirely free for everyone to enjoy, so even if you've never given Guild Wars 2 a try you'll still be able to poke your head in and see what all the hubbub is about.

As for what exactly the trio looks like in actual gameplay, that you can find out through the freshly posted preview trailers. Have a gander, starting with the Catalyst:

Once the beta event goes live I'll make sure to let you know. Until then, you can read a little bit more about the End of Dragons expansion over at the Guild Wars 2 website.

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