Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons Siege Turtle screenshot

[Update #2]: Guild Wars 2's return to Living World Season 1 episodes will be starting on April 19th, 2022.

[Update]: After the success of the new expansion, Guild Wars 2 devs have now announced their plans for the future.

After a whole bunch of previews and some rather enticing beta tests, Guild Wars 2's third expansion End of Dragons has now finally arrived. End of Dragons brings with it the fan-favorite continent of Cantha to explore, nine new elite specializations to mess around with, the mighty Siege Turtle mount that can seat two players, the fishing profession alongside player-controlled boats, as well as a whole host of new items and cosmetics to collect.

What this looks like in action, as well as what sort of atmosphere End of Dragons is going for, that you can find out through two of the recently posted trailers. Have a gander, starting with the brief cinematic and ending with the gameplay overview:

Besides a massive influx of new content, End of Dragons has also been accompanied by a chunky update to many of the core systems and classes. As such, many of the previous top-tier builds have been toned down, while the all-important buffs like Alacrity now only apply to five nearby players rather than ten. So even if you aren't planning to grab End of Dragons in the near future, things should still be quite exciting thanks to the meta shake up!

If you're curious about all of the details, you can find the full patch notes over at the official forums. As for the End of Dragons expansion itself, that you can learn more about over at the Guild Wars 2 website.

Have fun with the new stuff, and if you're not sure what to try out I'd highly recommend the Bladesworn as it was an absolute blast in the previous beta!

Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons artwork for the Bladesworn

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