Guild Wars 2 artwork for the End of Dragons siege turtle mount

[Update #2]: Guild Wars 2's October 4th update will empower old specializations and rebalance classes for PvP.

[Update]: Right on cue, Guild Wars 2 has now been unleashed onto Steam alongside a massive update.

After teasing the Steam version for a very, very long time at this point, ArenaNet has finally spilled the beans! In celebration of the game's 10th anniversary, Guild Wars 2 and its expansions will be heading over to Steam on August 23rd.

Much like the current version of Guild Wars 2, all of the base content (barring some small restrictions to free accounts) will be available for free on Steam. Once you're done exploring the world you can continue your adventure by grabbing either the Heart of Thorns & Path of Fire expansion bundle, the newest End of Dragons expansion, or the pack containing all of the Living World episodes.

Additionally, since this is Guild Wars 2's big anniversary after all, the update will also bring with it a giant scavenger hunt for everyone to participate in. The new series of achievements will be a permanent addition to the game and will take you on a journey across the entire Guild Wars 2 world, with the reward at the end being the fancy new Decade armor set.

Guild Wars 2 screenshot of the 10th anniversary bonus armor set - Decade armor

So if you ever wanted to give Guild Wars 2 a try, August 23rd would be a pretty good time to do so. I'd heartily recommend it as well, since Guild Wars 2 is one of the rare few MMORPGs that you can play on-and-off across many years without having to worry about a subscription or your character falling behind the curve and becoming useless. 

You can learn more about Guild Wars 2, as well as its upcoming Steam version, over at the official website.

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