Guild Wars 2's The Icebrood Saga official artwork for the final chapter

[Update]: Guild Wars 2's third expansion End of Dragons will be launching in February 2022!

After being dragged out for far longer than expected due to the pandemic messing everything up, I'm happy to say that Guild Wars 2's The Icebrood Saga storyline has now finally reached its climactic conclusion. Without spoiling too much, expect to see plenty of both Jormag and Primordus!

If you're not afraid of some minor spoilers, however, you can also get a bit of a sneak peek at the update through the recently posted trailer. Have a gander, it's about as cheesy as you'd expect given the story build-up so far:

As for the future, you'll be pleased to hear that ArenaNet has plenty of different events planned to help occupy your time while they finish up the third expansion - End of Dragons. May 11th will bring with it a massive balance update, with a special focus going towards some of the currently underused specializations. From May 25th onward you'll also be able to snag all of the previous Living Story episodes for free, all the while completing new achievements in order to snag fancy weapons and accessories!

All of these various events will lead up to a massive announcement on July 27th when ArenaNet will finally release a whole bunch of juicy details on the End of Dragons expansion. While I can't tell you anything specific just yet, expect to learn more about the new gameplay features, the story, new elite specializations, and even how to get into the beta!

Once the big reveal goes live I'll make sure to let you know. Until then you can check out the full list of events over at the Guild Wars 2 website.

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