Guild Wars 2 screenshot of the Lunar New Year 2023 celebration

The Christmas themed Wintersday event has only just ended, and already Guild Wars 2 is preparing for a brand new celebration! So if you're in the mood for food, fireworks and fighting, make sure to mark January 10th on your calendar as that's when the Lunar New Year 2023 festival will be going live.

In on order to participate you'll simply need to head on over to the freshly redecorated Crown Pavilion in Divinity’s Reach, after which you'll be able to explore the various activities and mini-games. Why exactly the Canthan festival doesn't take place in Cantha itself now that we can actually visit it, that I'm afraid I have no answer to.

Besides the usual influx of new cosmetics and rewards, the most exciting thing to look forward to in the Lunar New Year event is luck, or rather the account-wide bonuses to Magic Find. As the name might imply, Magic Find gives you a chance to find higher quality loot from a variety of sources. So while it might not ever seem impactful, having higher Magic Find does eventually pay off.

The final thing worth mentioning is the accompanying update that will likely bring with it a couple of bug fixes, gameplay improvements and perhaps even some sizable new content if we're lucky. I'd love to give you the specifics, but I'm afraid nothing concrete has been announced just yet. That said, you can keep an eye on any teasers and previews over at the Guild Wars 2 forums.

Enjoy, and I'll make sure to let you know once the Lunar New Year 2023 festival goes live.

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