Guild Wars 2 End of Dragons concept artwork for Cantha

[Update #2]: End of Dragons will be launching in February 2022!

[Update]: Guild Wars 2 will be shutting down its macOS version in February, 2021.

In an announcement that shouldn't come as too much of a surprise given that it was teased all the way back in March, ArenaNet has now unveiled Guild Wars 2's third major expansion - End of Dragons! While the details are unfortunately few and far between, End of Dragons will take place in the distant land of Cantha, and as you might imagine from the name alone, will have far-reaching consequences for the story.

You can get a little bit of a sneak peek at what End of Dragons has to offer, as well as who the story might revolve around, through the teaser trailer. Have a look:

I would love to tell you more, but aside from the presence of Kuunavang - the now uncorrupted Saltspray Dragon you might remember from the original Guild Wars - there is basically no other information to share. Once more does become available I'll make sure to let you know, but until then I'm afraid all we can do is sit and wait.

You can also keep an eye on any further updates, as well as sign up for the newsletter, over at the End of Dragons website.

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