Halo Infinite open world campaign concept artwork

[Update]: The latest developer update has detailed some of the fundamentals behind the Forge editor.

If you were hoping Halo Infinite would get itself into shape any time soon, I'm afraid you're out of luck. I say this because the September developer update has now arrived, and it has mostly brought with it a whole bunch of delays.

As such, the co-op campaign has now been pushed further back, this time around until the Winter Update period that starts on November 8th. On the other hand, split-screen co-op has been canceled entirely as 343 Industries are needing to spend the time and resources elsewhere.

Similarly, the beta of the much-anticipated Forge map editor has also been pushed back until the Winter Update period. Thankfully, it looks like the Forge is nearing completion and will almost definitely be a part of the November 8th update.

The final bit of bad news is that Halo Infinite's multiplayer Season 3 has been pushed back to that same November 8th update. Once it arrives it'll bring with it a brand new Battle Pass, two new maps (Detachment and Argyl), and I'd imagine a bunch of quality-of-life improvements and balance changes. I certainly hope so anyway, because the wait sure has been long!

Once all of this arrives, I'll make sure to let you know. Until then, you can learn more about Halo Infinite's future by checking out the developer update below. Enjoy!

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