Helldivers 2 artwork for the Democratic Detonation Warbond

[Update]: Helldivers 2's follow-up update has now fixed numerous crashes and brought back the AT-AT looking Factory Striders.

Despite this being yet another in a long series of updates, Helldivers 2 continues to impress. Instead of just delivering the new batch of explosive weaponry as previously announced, Arrowhead has now also released a bunch of new ship upgrades as well, some of which can really spice up weapons like the Arc Thrower or the Flamethrower!

First things first, the new Democratic Detonation Warbond. As the name would suggest, the Warbond is filled with all sorts of explosive weaponry, everything from a sidearm grenade launcher to an armor-piercing primary weapon that can even blow up bot fabricators! Naturally all this firepower does come at a price, namely the weapon handling and reload speed, but if you're a fan of big booms that's an easy problem to work around!

As for what exactly the new weapons look like in action, as well as what the accompanying cosmetics are all about, that you can check out through the trailer below. Have a gander:

The Ship Upgrades are similarly quite good, though they are far more difficult to acquire since their price seems to have been made with veteran players in mind. So if you want to make eagles more explosive or flames more... uhh, flamey, you'll need to pony up hundreds of samples - including rare ones! It's a bit of a grind, but considering that none of these upgrades will be going away it's something that everyone will be able to get eventually, so thankfully it's not that big of a deal

You can learn more about the update, as well as its wide variety of explosives, over at Steam. Enjoy, and don't forget to check out the newest defense missions as they are simply amazing!

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