Helldivers 2 screenshot of the explosive crossbow weapon

[Update]: The Helldivers 2 playerbase, in a dazzling display of democracy, is rallying against the new requirements.

Unlike some of the previous patches that added either new toys for the players or enemies to clobber, the freshly released Update 1.000.3 is entirely about tweaking what we already have. As such, you can look forward to an avalanche of balance changes, both positive and negative, as well as some much-needed bug fixes.

In terms of nerfs, the LAS-99 Quasar Cannon now recharges 5 seconds slower, the LAS-98 Laser Cannon has lost some of its anti-armor damage in exchange for being better against weaker enemies, the laser guard dog AX/AR-23 has lost a solid 30% of its damage, and most puzzling of all, the already mediocre CB-9 Exploding Crossbow has lost a good chunk of its splash damage in exchange for faster projectile velocity. Everything else I can understand, but the crossbow nerf just feels like kicking someone when they're already face-first in the mud. Not a fan.

The list of buffs is thankfully a lot bigger and less controversial! SG-8P Punisher Plasma now does a fair bit more damage, ARC-12 Blitzer shoots a lot faster, both the LAS-5 Scythe and LAS-7 Dagger now deal 50 more damage, and keeping on with the same theme, both the AR-19 Liberator and AR-23C Liberator Concussive have snagged some damage buffs.

The good news doesn't end there, however, as the P-8 Senator revolver now does more damage and reloads quicker, the 63CS Diligence Counter Sniper now handles like a dream instead of drunkenly swaying everywhere, the MG-101 Heavy Machine Gun has found its third-person crosshair, and perhaps most importantly of all, the long-forgotten RS-422 Railgun now has more armor penetration in both safe and unsafe modes.

You can also look forward to Flamethrower Hulks dealing less damage, Bile and Nursing Spewers being slower, as well as Gunship spawners being less hyperactive and no longer flooding the map with ships if you ignore them for a moment. With a bit of luck, this along with some of the weapon changes should help reduce the amount of frustrating moments on the 'western' front.

All of this is just the tip of the iceberg, so if you're curious about the exact list of changes, as well as how impactful they might be, you'll find what you seek over at Steam.

The last thing worth mentioning is that the numerous bugs related to damage-over-time effects will finally be getting fixed in the next update. When exactly that will happen, I'm afraid Arrowhead hasn't announced just yet, but I'm definitely glad to hear that Napalm and Gas Strikes will, at long last, actually function!

Once Arrowhead finally spills the beans I'll make sure to let you know. Until then, have fun smashing bugs and bots!

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