In a blog post that appeared today on the Xbox website Mike Nichols talked about various Xbox One statistics but more interestingly detailed the current list of Xbox One and Windows 10 exclusives for 2016.

Perhaps the most important part of the announcement is that Keji Inafune's ReCore has been confirmed as a PC title rather than just an Xbox One exclusive. Here's the full list with all of the release dates and platforms:

- Gears of War 4 (Xbox One) – Multiplayer Beta in Spring 2016/Launch in Fall 2016

- Quantum Break (Xbox One) – April 5, 2016

- Halo Wars 2 (Xbox One & Windows 10) – Fall 2016

- Crackdown 3 (Xbox One) – Multiplayer in Summer 2016

- Fable Legends Open Beta (Xbox One & Windows 10) – Spring 2016

- ReCore (Xbox One & Windows 10) – 2016

- Sea of Thieves (Xbox One & Windows 10) – 2016

- Gigantic (Xbox One & Windows 10) – 2016

- Killer Instinct: Season 3 (Xbox One & Windows 10) – March 2016

- Gears of War: Ultimate Edition (Windows 10) – Spring 2016

- Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition (Xbox One & Windows 10) – Spring 2016

- Cobalt (Xbox One, Xbox 360 & Steam) – Feb. 2, 2016

Besides simply announcing new games Nichols also promised many more updates to come for all versions of Minecraft so there's something to look forward to. Perhaps they will finally get the work done on implementing that legendary Minecraft modding API so installing and taking care of mods in-between patches wouldn't be such a hassle.

As for the list do keep in mind that most of the dates listed are tentative and are most likely going to change as development goes on so take my advice and don't get attached to them just yet, at least until we get an official release date.

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