Ion Fury official artwork without logo

[Update]: Ion Fury's successor Phantom Fury will be taking the over-the-top action on a road trip across the USA.

If you're in the mood for oldschool FPS action, you might be glad to hear that Ion Fury has now officially released from Early Access. It brings with it a variety of over-the-top weaponry, hordes of enemies to turn into a shower of giblets, hand-crafted levels with multiple pathways and plenty of secrets, and perhaps most importantly for its longevity, full mod support!

For those of you wondering why the name sounds a bit familiar yet still odd, it would be because Ion Fury was just recently known as Ion Maiden. However, due to the name being somewhat similar to Iron Maiden, 3D Realms was unfortunately forced to changed it or risk a prolonged and undoubtedly expensive lawsuit.

All of that legal nonsense aside, allow me to share with you the recently posted launch trailer. It'll give you a pretty good idea of just what Ion Fury is and what it has to offer. Have a peek:

You can learn more about Ion Fury, as well as potentially grab yourself a copy, over at Steam. Have fun!

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