While its existence was somewhat leaked last week, I am still excited to say that Blizzard has now finally and officially announced Junkertown as the next Overwatch map. The details are sadly still in short supply, but what I can tell you is that Junkertown will be a Payload map, which is a pretty damn good thing given how its one of the most balanced and competitively viable game modes out there.
In order to make this announcement just a little bit more interesting Blizzard released not one, but two rather awesome trailers! The first one is a humorous video starring everyone's favorite madmen Junkrat and Roadhog, while the second is a brief overview of the map and its lore. Even if you don't have much time I would highly recommend you give the Junkrat & Roadhog video a look as it manages to perfectly capture the spirit of the characters. But enough babble from me, here are the videos:
For those of you disappointed with the length and quality of the Junkrat & Roadhog short, worry not as this is only a small teaser for things that are to come! In other words, on Wednesday at 6pm CEST Blizzard will be unveiling a proper cinematic short, though what exactly its going to be about nobody but them currently knows. Last week I speculated it would cover Junkrat & Roadhog's history, but given how they've just received an animated short I'm no longer as sure. Whatever the case may be its still going to be worth the wait, because when it comes to cinematics Blizzard does not disappoint!