Raical Heights screenshot of LawBreakers studio's newest battle royale game

[Update]: Radical Heights has now arrived to Early Access, and as expected the reviews are a bit of a mixed bag.

A few days ago Boss Key Productions announced that while they are still planning to update LawBreakers, the majority of their focus is going to be on a brand new passion project. As it turns out, that project is a colorful, cheesy and 80s inspired Battle Royale shooter by the name of Radical Heights.

If you're wondering what Radical Heights is all about and how exactly it's going to stand out from the giants that are Fortnite and PUBG, allow me to share with you the recently posted gameplay trailer. Have a look:

For those of you that are currently confused, yes, it does appear that Radical Heights is going to try and compete with the already established Fortnite and PUBG by doing exactly the same things as they are. I guess the ability to purchase weapons with in-game money is supposed to be the key difference, but to be perfectly honest I can't see that being anywhere near enough to draw people away from their favorite Battle Royale game. A lack of real identity is what sank LawBreakers not so long ago, so to see Boss Key do basically the same mistake with Radical Heights is beyond disappointing.

Radical Heights will be leaping into Early Access as a free-to-play game later today (April 10th), and I genuinely do hope it makes a better impression than this trailer, for everyone's sake. You can learn more, as well as jump in yourself, by heading over to Steam.

Radical Heights screenshot of the Battle Royale game mode ambush

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