Life is Strange: Before the Storm screenshot of Chloe and Rachel

Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a prequel to the original game set three years before Max returned to Arcadia Bay. As you might expect, you'll be taking on the role of Chloe Price as you explore her unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, although there will also be a small bonus episode covering Max's initial departure. On a slight side note, it is important to mention that Before the Storm is not being made by the original developers as they are currently busy with the upcoming vampire RPG Vampyr.

If you're now wondering whether Before the Storm can live up to the original, and what exactly it even has to offer, you'll find the most recent gamescom trailer right below. It mostly covers Chloe and Rachel's relationship, though there are brief glimpses at various other events and side-stories. Have a look:

The first of the three new Life is Strange episodes will be coming on August 31st for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. If you would like to learn more I would recommend heading over to either Steam or the official website, though do keep in mind that details are currently in short supply.

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