Mass Effect: Andromeda's main character and his squad

After going over the system requirements I'm sure many of you are wondering how much you'll be able to tweak the graphics in order to achieve a nice and consistent framerate. Well, you'll be glad to hear that the answer to that question is quite expansive as the graphics settings have a nice variety of options to mess around.

If you're interested in the full article and some screenshots showcasing Mass Effect: Andromeda with each setting on ultra you can find what you seek over at the GeForce website. On the other hand, if you're just interested in the settings here are four images covering all of them:

First part of the PC graphics options for Mass Effect: Andromeda

Second part of the PC graphics options for Mass Effect: Andromeda

Third part of the PC graphics options for Mass Effect: Andromeda

Fourth part of the PC graphics options for Mass Effect: Andromeda

As a slight side note, if you're interested in seeing what all of these graphics settings look like in action you'll find the recently posted launch trailer over here. It features a whole bunch of new footage from the campaign, as well as a few brief glimpses at what I believe to be the main antagonist. And don't worry about spoilers as the entire video is cut in such a way to provide you with basically no information about the story. Enjoy!

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