Medal Of Honor: Pacific Assault is "on the house"

While its an outstanding idea for Origin to offer free games in order to entice people to join their service, I'm still puzzled on why they haven't worked on expanding their mostly EA-centric catalog so that they can be an actual competitor to Steam, and not just "that" place you have to go to for your Battlefield fix.

Either way, Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault is currently "on the house", and as far as memory serves, its a rather good game. Here's the trailer and a reminder of how far graphics have come the past decade:


You can add Medal of Honor: PA to your account by heading over to Origin, though be warned, this offer will only last a couple of days so don't slack around for too long.

Finally, a bit of bad news. The multiplayer in Medal of Honor, and many other EA games of that era, will not work because the servers went down for good when GameSpy closed its doors back in 2014. EA is currently working on finding a lasting solution, but given that these games are over a decade old I wouldn't count on a fix coming any time soon, or ever.

Still, if you're interested in experiencing FPS history, Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault is a fun one to start with. Characters even have faces!

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