Monster Hunter: World Autumn Harvest Fest screenshot official

The Autumn Harvest Fest event has now made its way to the PC version of Monster Hunter: World, bringing with it a spookier Gathering Hub, a variety of new cosmetics to collect through in-game quests, as well as deep discounts on various vendor services. Perhaps most importantly of all, at least for any of you with an interest in Greatswords, this update has arrived alongside the quest for the Wyvern Ignition - a rocket powered Greatsword that not only looks badass, but is also one of the most powerful weapons in the game!

While the new items are certainly fun to mess around with, it is worth mentioning that this is a fairly small update in the grand scheme of things. It'll give you a couple of hours of enjoyment, but once the quests run out you probably won't even notice the event is still going on. There is hope on the horizon, however, as according to a recent developer update the PC version will be getting a more substantial update in early November.

The exact list of changes hasn't been pinned down just yet, but you can expect the November update to finally unleash the long-awaited Kulve Taroth upon the world. The developers are also aiming to fix the blurry textures bug that I've unfortunately kept encountering while writing my review, as well as greatly improving the keyboard controls - most likely by giving us the ability to easily access inventory items without the need for extra button presses. 

Kulve Taroth screenshot from Monster Hunter: World

Kulve Taroth in all her glory

Besides the Autumn Harvest Fest, this current update also consists of a variety of bug fixes. There are far too many for me to cover in brief, so if you're interested in all of the details you should check out the Steam News section as they are scattered in different posts for some silly reason. The one change I will highlight, however, is the ability to remove motion blur. Now you can finally watch your character get repeatedly slammed into a wall while grappling onto a monster's tail without silly motion blur getting in the way!

Once more information gets revealed I'll make sure to let you know, but until then I would recommend you visit the official website to check out what each of the new quests has to offer. Happy hunting!

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