Monster Hunter: World screenshot of a giant dragon attack

With Monster Hunter: World's console release date just around the corner, on January 26th to be specific, the developers have started releasing a variety of gameplay previews. If you don't mind a bit of Japanese you'll find a fairly extensive gameplay trailer over here, whereas those of you more interested in uncut gameplay will find a lengthy showcase of the dark and gloomy Rotten Vale zone over yonder instead.

If you're looking for a bit of color, however, you should check out the video below as it shows off the rather beautiful Coral Highlands. The video is a little bit on the lengthy side, but it's well worth a look if you're wondering what the Monster Hunter series is even all about. Have a gander:

You can learn more about Monster Hunter: World, or just check out some of the other gameplay videos, by heading over to the official website. On a slightly different note, it is also worth mentioning that the PC version has recently been set for an autumn of 2018 release date.

It's going to be a bit of an excruciating wait, especially for those of you that have bought into the rumor that the PC version will come a month after the console ones, but on the positive side at least it seems that the developers are truly committed to making this a proper PC port. Whatever the case may be, all we can do right now is sit and wait for more information to arrive, most likely a month or two after the console versions have settled down.

Monster Hunter: World screenshot of two giant beasts fighting

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