Need for Speed Heat screenshot of a street race at night

[Update]: Need for Speed Hot Pursuit is being Remastered this November 6th for PC and consoles.

This is shaping up to be an amazing week for the Need for Speed series on PC. EA has only just brought over a couple of Need for Speed games to Steam, and now they have also announced that Need for Speed Heat will be getting cross-platform multiplayer!

"At Criterion, we've always believed that games are better with friends," reads the official update. "We don’t want your platform of choice to be a barrier for that experience. So we're thrilled to let you all know that on June 9, Need for Speed Heat will be the first EA title to offer cross-play, meaning that players – regardless of their platform – can jump into Palm City together as one, united community."

"Once you’ve installed the update (see full update notes here), you can opt in to race players across PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. You can search for your friends who are playing on any of the above systems, given they’ve opted in for cross-play as well, inside the Find Players menu. Then, go to the new EA Friends tab in the Party Menu to see who’s online to play with."

There is a little bit of a bittersweet touch to this update, however. With Criterion shifting their focus to the development of the next Need for Speed game, this update will be the final one for Need for Speed Heat. Here's to hoping it'll be a pretty good one!

You can learn more about Need for Speed Heat, as well as keep an eye on any future announcements, over at the Need for Speed website.

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