Origin is offering Need For Speed: Most Wanted for free

Origin's "On The House" program is essentially cheap advertising for the platform but I don't think anyone can really complain about getting a free game every few months.

This time around its Criterion's 2012 Need for Speed: Most Wanted whose single player campaign is a bit lackluster but the multiplayer is as excellent as ever. Here's the trailer if you need to refresh your memory:


You can grab the full version of Need for Speed: Most Wanted over on Origin. The only thing you will need is, obviously, an Origin account but other than that there is no catch.

As you might expect given this promotion there is also currently a big sale going on so if its AAA titles that you crave then give it a look, there are some nice discounts on offer.

And finally, if you're someone that doesn't have a massive library of games make sure to check out Origin Access. You can "borrow" a rather large library of great games for a month at reasonable $4,99 / €3,99. It might sound like shameless advertising from me but I genuinely think its a great deal, especially if you can play through all of them in a single month. 

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