Need For Speed Payback screenshot of a police ar

During the initial Need for Speed Payback reveal EA announced that it will be taking heavy inspiration from one of the most popular games in the series - Most Wanted. Very little has been said about it since then, but if the latest teaser trailer is any indicator they have definitely gone in the right direction with Payback.

While the video itself does not feature any actual gameplay, it will give you a pretty damn good glimpse at what sort of style Need for Speed Payback is aiming for, and more importantly, how it compares to the fan-favorite Most Wanted. Without further ado, here's the gamescom trailer:

If all of this looks like something you would love to mess around with, you might be interested to hear that Need for Speed Payback is set to arrive this November 10th for PC and consoles. Those subscribed to EA/Origin Access will be able to start their cop-evading adventures on November 2nd, while those that purchase the Deluxe Edition will be allowed in on November 7th. I'm not exactly a fan of these types of staggered releases, but at least we'll have plenty of user reviews to go over before actually making a purchase. To learn more about Need for Speed Payback I would suggest heading to the official website.

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