[Update]: Disgaea 6 Complete will be heading over to PC on June 28th, 2022 alongside a couple of improvements.
After spending about a year exclusively on the Switch and PlayStation, a new and improved version of Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny is now heading over to PC as well. The aptly titled Disgaea 6 Complete will bring with it all of the previously released character and cosmetic DLC, new gameplay customization options, along with an additional color DLC to help spice everything up.
You can get a pretty good idea of what this might look like in actual gameplay through the recently posted announcement trailer. Have a gander:
While the exact release date has not been announced just yet, you can expect Disgaea 6 Complete to arrive onto PC, PlayStation 4 and 5 at some point this Summer. If you're currently wondering whether it's even worth waiting all that long for a couple of small upgrades, I would say the answer is yes. One of the major drawbacks of the original Switch release was the lackluster performance, so if Disgaea 6 Complete can iron out all of the major kinks it'll almost certainly become the best version to dive into.
Whether that will actually end up being the case, I'll make sure to let you know once Disgaea 6 Complete finally arrives. Until then, you can read a tiny bit more about it over at the official website.