The Ni No Kuni series of RPGs has been exclusively available on consoles and portable platforms ever since its inception, but this will thankfully be changing with Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom as it will be coming to PC as well as PS4. The details are still a bit shaky, but you can expect to see an open world full of towns, villages, and dungeons to explore, as well as a whole bunch of overly cutesy enemies to ruthlessly beat up.
If you're wondering what all of this might look like in gameplay terms, wonder no more as the developers have released a rather lengthy gameplay video where they go over pretty much every mechanic and detail. So if you're interested in Ni No Kuni 2, make sure to give the video a look:
As I've mentioned earlier there isn't much information available right now, but if you would like to follow Ni no Kuni 2's development I would suggest heading over to the official website. If you're just interested in the release date, however, you can expect to see Ni no Kuni 2 on January 19, 2018 on PC and Playstation 4.