Nosgoth will be shutting down on May 31st

Psyonix has announced today that despite their best efforts, Nosgoth, the competitive multiplayer spin-off on the Legacy of Kain series, is being shut down due to a lack of players.

I can't even express how much this news hurts since I've played over 100 hours of Nosgoth, and enjoyed it greatly, so much so that one of the first articles I ever wrote (and believe me when I say, it shows when I look back at it) was to tell everyone how awesome it really is, and now its going away...

The servers will be available until May 31st, 2016, during which time you'll be able to play the game as normal, though real money purchases will be disabled. Also, all purchases made since the 1st of March will be refunded automatically over the next two weeks.

To end all of this on a somewhat happy note, future Legacy of Kain projects will be considered independently of Nosgoth, and on their merits alone. In other words, there is still hope for The Legacy of Kain series to make its triumphant return, though we may have to wait a couple of years, if not longer.

What does this mean for the Legacy of Kain franchise?

Any future Legacy of Kain project will be considered independently of Nosgoth and on the merits of the proposals alone.

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