Oculus Rift game lineup

With the Rift's July shipping date slowly inching closer, the Oculus team has decided to do a showcase of all the VR games that will be launching alongside the Rift.

The list is quite extensive, and even though each game barely gets 3 seconds of screen time the video still manages to be 2 minutes long, a fact that bodes well for the future of VR gaming. Have a look, but don't blink or you might miss a few dozen:


As you can see, there's an avalanche of games coming for the Oculus Rift, but its important to mention that many of them are already existing 2D games that are being updated in order to support VR technology. This says nothing about their quality, but its something that all who pre-order the Rift should be aware of.

That aside, I'm genuinely impressed by the amount of support VR gaming has managed to muster, with developers big and small ready to take the plunge and see what exactly makes a good VR experience. They won't all succeed, but with this many hats in the ring there is almost a guarantee of there being a few future classics in there as well. 

If you would like to give it a try yourself, you can pre-order a copy over at the Oculus website, though be warned, the price is an uncomfortable $599 for the US and €699 (without shipping) for the EU. You do, however, get a free Xbox One controller as well as EVE: Valkyrie and Lucky's Tale with your purchase, and while that doesn't alleviate the steep asking price, its still a nice bonus.

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