Heroes of Newerth official artwork without logo

Before Dota 2 and League of Legends became the juggernauts they are today, Heroes of Newerth was the MOBA to play thanks to its highly polished gameplay, creative hero designs, and some really punchy spell effects. Unfortunately due to a variety of missteps, the biggest of which was going buy-to-play despite its competition being free-to-play, Heroes of Newerth slowly but surely found itself getting overshadowed.

It still continued on for many years, but it sadly never managed to find the same success it had in the early days. And so, after twelve years of frantic battles and magical dumpsters, Heroes of Newerth finally closed down its doors in 2022. However, in a little bit of a twist, it seems that this might not be the end of its story!

Seemingly out of nowhere, the official Heroes of Newerth Facebook page sprung to life and posted the picture of a phoenix egg - seemingly hinting at some sort of a revival. What exactly this is going to look like, nobody currently knows, but according to a follow-up image it most definitely won't be a mobile version.

If you're willing to indulge a bit of speculation, I'd say this means we're either getting the same Heroes of Newerth we had before, just under the control of a brand new team, or perhaps some sort of a sequel or rework. Personally I think the first option is far more likely because, as sad as this is to say, Heroes of Newerth isn't exactly popular enough to warrant a massive new sequel, especially when Valve's Deadlock threatens to shake up the MOBA genre in the near future.

Whatever the case may be, I do hope Heroes of Newerth finds success. I might not be interested in playing it anymore since I'm way too deep in the Dota 2 rabbit hole, but I do have a lot of good memories from those early days, and so I can only wish the game well!

Once more information becomes available, hopefully in the form of a proper announcement, I'll make sure to let you know.

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