Origin Access has arrived on PC bringing with it great discounts and even greater value for your money

If the name sounds familiar it is the same as EA Access that has been available to consoles for a long time now but has finally made its transition to PC as well.

Origin Access will set you back $5 a month and will offer you 15 free Vault games (for the duration of your subscription) as well as early access to upcoming games, free trials and a 10% discount on all Origin titles. The details are below but if you want it short, its a damn good bargain.

As of right now Origin Access is only available to the US, Canada, UK and Germany with more countries coming shortly according to a recently posted tweet so if you aren't among those four don't worry, you haven't been forgotten.

The fifteen free vault games are probably the biggest draw for Origin Access, especially if you're a relatively new gamer that doesn't have many of them. The games are as follows:

- Battlefield 4

- Battlefield: Hardline

- Battlefield 3

- Entire Dragon Age Collection

- Entire Dead Space Collection

- The Sims 3 Starter Pack

- SimCity

- FIFA 15

- Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare

- Need for Speed Rivals: Complete Edition

As you can see there are some high quality games in there and even if you only subscribed for two months in order to play through all of them you would have achieved massive value for your mere $10 and this is ignoring all of the other benefits.

The free trials feature allows you to play full versions of upcoming EA games before their release for a limited time. Your progress will be saved so if you ever end up buying the game you can continue where you left off with no hassle involved.

Its essentially a better version of a demo that allows you to experience upcoming AAA games for free, what more could you really want?

How about a discount because every Origin purchase is going to be 10% off if you're using Origin Access and this includes games on sale. That might sound insignificant but if you decide on let's say buying a $50 game you can essentially get a free month of Origin Access and all of the benefits that come with it so when you think of it like that it becomes pretty exceptional.

I might sound like I'm praising this a bit too much but it genuinely is a great deal and if you're interested in any of the Vault games I encourage you to give it a try, once it gets to your region of course, because the value for your money is simply astounding.

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