Overwatch screenshot of Dragon Symmetra

Having Overwatch be free to try out around the Christmas season is a tradition at this point, though unlike the past two years, Blizzard has now pushed the date forward quite considerably. In other words, the free trial event is already live, and will remain active until December 4th!

So if you're interested in Overwatch and you've somehow managed to miss the previous dozen free trials, this would be a pretty good time to start out. Overwatch has just recently received Role Queue and the 2/2/2 role lock, which will give you a chance to experience the gameplay with as balanced of a composition as possible.

In terms of content, however, you are able to do pretty much everything besides Competitive Play (for obvious reasons). As such, you can play Quick Play solo or in a group, mess around with predetermined or custom games in the Arcade, as well as level up your account and gather a variety of cosmetics. You can even do the currently ongoing Mercy challenge! Also, all of your progress will carry over if you ever decide to purchase Overwatch, so don't worry about any of your efforts being wasted.

You can learn more about the free trial, as well as download yourself a copy, over at the official website. Have fun!

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