Overwatch developer announced that all maps and heroes will be free post launch

These short developer updates are one of the best things Blizzard has decided to do in recent times. It always feels good knowing the developers understand your concerns and have plans to do something about them because even if it takes a while at least the complaints aren't falling on deaf ears.

And the same thing applies with the recently released Overwatch developer update (embedded below) where Jeff Kaplan, game director for Overwatch, briefly goes over recent hot topics and gives nice, concise answers.


By far the most important part of video is the very first topic he goes over: How will new heroes and maps be added to the game? The answer, thank goodness, is that both the heroes and the maps will be added post launch as free DLC and that they have no plans to sell them. I am going to assume their way of monetization will be hero cosmetics and various other things like that, which is fine as long as they stay apart from actual gameplay.

To be fair, I would rather the game I pay $40 to actually contain all of that as in-game unlockables but I'm aware of the world we live in so just having them as cosmetics-only is a good enough compromise. But costumes or no costumes, the fact that there won't be paid heroes and maps gives me a great deal of confidence in Overwatch and I'd say I'm looking forward to it now whereas before I was more of a passive observer.

The video cowers a few other minor topics so if you are interested in how Overwatch is going to change with future updates take a look and if you're beta keyless like me I'm afraid I don't have any good news because Blizzard has been very tight lipped about future beta tests. The release date is set for either the first or second quarter of 2016 so who knows, there might be more beta tests or we might go straight in to launch, only time will tell. 

And as always, if any more news comes up, I'll keep you updated. 

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