Path of Exile: Echoes of Atlas official artwork and logo

[Update #2]: Path of Exile's Update 3.20 is making rare monsters more rewarding, easier to understand and less hectic to fight.

[Update]: Path of Exile's January 2022 Siege of the Atlas expansion has reworked the endgame yet again.

After being delayed from its December, 2020 release date due to Cyberpunk 2077's overwhelming presence, Path of Exile's newest expansion has now finally arrived. The Echoes of Atlas update brings with it yet another overhaul of the endgame progression system, a whole bunch of new maps to explore, greatly improved and rebalanced Ascendancy classes, and naturally, a brand new final boss to endlessly die against.

Out of all these new features, it is the endgame improvements that I consider to be the most exciting. Not only are there eleven new and fun-looking maps to teleport around on, but the Atlas itself now comes with its own passive talent tree that ensures you're always progressing forward, and there are even craftable Watchstones that allow you to target specific rewards. Naturally, this doesn't mean you'll be able to get the perfect item within two days of starting the new league, but it will at least make your endgame gearing process a lot more pleasant.

As for what exactly all of this looks like in actual gameplay, as well as what the story in Echoes of the Atlas is even all about, that you can find out through the most recent trailer. Have a gander:

The final thing worth mentioning is the new final boss herself - The Maven. In order to even have a chance to fight against her you will first need to prove your worth by beating multiple bosses simultaneously. You'll start by slaying three map bosses at once, then move onto four, then five, then six, and finally a grand total of ten at the same time! Only once you have managed that monumental task will you have a chance to challenge The Maven in her own realm. It most certainly won't be an easy task, but the fancy new loot is a pretty good incentive to at least give it a try.

Good luck with The Maven, and if you're interested in all of the details and specific changes, you can find out more over at the Path of Exile website.

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