Dead Space artwork showing off Isaac in space

[Update]: The Dead Space remake has now landed onto PC and consoles, and so far it's looking quite good!

After quite a few teasers and previews, the comprehensive Dead Space remake will be launching onto PC and consoles this January 27th, 2023. The new version has been rebuilt from the ground up in order to offer higher fidelity visuals, enhanced audio, as well as a bunch of gameplay improvements to help tie everything together. That said, don't worry about things changing too much as the remake seems to have gone to great lengths to stay true to the original game's vision and style.

The good news doesn't end there, however, as it looks like the Dead Space remake will come with a little gift for those that have pre-purchased the game - a copy of Dead Space 2! You'll only be granted access to Dead Space 2 once the Dead Space remake launches on January 27th, so there's no need to rush things. Instead, take a few moments to check out the reviews and various previews (once they appear) before deciding whether the Dead Space remake is worth committing your time and money to.

Should you decide to pre-order, I would highly recommend taking EA and Motive up on their offer and playing through Dead Space 2 as well. It's easily the best game in the original series both in terms of gameplay and atmosphere, and while I don't know how it compares to the new remake, it's still a classic that's well worth going through for anyone interested in survival-horror.

For now, however, you can learn more about the Dead Space remake and its improvements over at Steam. Enjoy, and I'll leave you with the freshly posted launch trailer that has, for some reason, been released a solid two weeks before the actual launch:

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