Prey Mooncrash screenshot of the five new playable characters

If you're a fan of Prey's combat system and you're eager to squeeze out a few more hours of enjoyment out of it, you might want to check out the newly released Mooncrash DLC as it offers just that. In the most basic sense, the Mooncrash DLC brings with it a new roguelike game mode that will semi-randomly create and populate a world for you to explore, loot, and hopefully escape.

At the beginning you will start with only one playable character, but as progress through the somewhat limited story you will be able to unlock five characters in total. As you might expect, you will have to escape the base with all five characters in other to win, but here's where things get tricky: the world is persistent! So in order to succeed you will not only have to play well, but you will also need to put in a bit of thought into your routes in order collect all of the important items and supplies.

If you're wondering what all of this might look like in gameplay terms, allow me to share with you the recently posted trailer. It'll give you a pretty decent idea of what to expect. Have a look:

To learn more, or just grab yourself a copy of Mooncrash, you should head on over to Steam. Have fun, and do try not to die immediately!

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