After spending a fair bit of time on PlayStation 4 and Switch, the turn-based tactics game Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia has now landed onto Steam. It brings with it six playable factions, an absolute ton of units and monsters to play around with, as well as the usual assortment of PC improvements.
Rather than babble on, allow me to share with you the PC gameplay trailer. It's a fairly lengthy one, so it should clue you in quite quickly on just what The Legend of Runersia is really all about. Have a gander:
Before you decide on whether to dive in or not, it's important to mention that The Legend of Runersia is a fairly tricky turn-based tactics game to get into. Not only is the difficulty curve steep and the world full of tricky battles, but the UI is also rather unconventional and will require some time and effort for you to truly become familiar with it. So if you're planning to play The Legend of Runersia, make sure you approach it with an open mind and a willingness to learn, as otherwise you might find it to be a rather frustrating experience.
Whatever your choice may be, you can learn more about Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia, as well as check out some of the player reviews, over at Steam. Have fun!