Rainbow Six Siege Velvet Shell operators artwork

Ubisoft's Rainbow Six Siege tends to have free weekends fairly regularly, but if you've somehow managed to miss all of them, you'll be glad to hear a brand new one has arrived. Simply head on over to Steam, download the game, and you'll be running around like a headless chicken in no time!

As always, this free-to-play event is fairly time-limited. In other words, you only have until March 8th to check Rainbow Six Siege out, so do make sure to dive in as soon as possible if you're curious what all of the fuss is about.

If you find yourself enjoying Rainbow Six Siege and wish to continue past the free weekend, you might also want to check out the current Steam sale as it offers a pretty significant discount. That said, don't make the mistake of buying the vanilla edition, as for only €2 more you can save yourself a ton of grinding and grab the Deluxe Edition which comes with a variety of Operators already unlocked.

Have fun, and I'll leave you with the rather informative "What is Rainbow Six Siege?" trailer:

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