Resident Evil 7 biohazard official artwork

Even though Resident Evil 7 shares the same name as its predecessor, it has very little common with Resident Evil 6. Instead of focusing on constant action and explosive set-pieces, Resident Evil 7 is all about the claustrophobic atmosphere and a constant feeling of dread. It might be a Resident Evil game in name alone, but from what I've experienced so far its a damn effective survival horror and a welcome new direction for the series!

If you would like to get a glimpse of it for yourself, here's the recently posted launch trailer. It does feature a couple of monsters and "big moments" from the game itself, so if you want to stay completely spoiler free you might want to think twice about watching it. As for the rest of you, have a look:

For those of you that would like to learn more I recommend heading over to either the official website, or the Steam reviews section if you're looking for player experiences. As for the Season Pass, I would recommend holding off on that one for now because Capcom is planning to release all of the DLC over the course of this whole year. In other words, you're probably better off picking it up somewhere down the line at a discount, rather than just torturing yourself with small pieces of content every couple of months.

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