Rise of the Tomb Raider is coming to Steam on January 2016.

Which makes me wonder why they even bothered with all of the shifty misdirection surrounding Rise of the Tomb Raider's PC version if they're just going to release it only two months after the Xbox versions.

Either way, according to the recently opened Steam store page the release for Rise of the Tomb Raider is set for January though no specific date or system requirements were given.

Rise of the Tomb Raider will feature Lara's very first tomb raiding expedition as she seeks to discover the secret of immortality, a simple little mission for a would-be archaeologist. Can't see this ever going wrong or somehow endangering the whole world, nope.

As for whether its an actually good game or not I can't tell you personally given that I haven't played it but the reviews are generally positive although some of the issues seem to be back from the first game, most notably that the gameplay is at complete odds with the story. I remember feeling the same while playing through the rebooted Tomb Raider for the first time but I would still say I enjoyed myself with it despite the flaws so hopefully the same sort of thing applies to the sequel as well. 

As soon as any more information shows up, especially on the price point, I'll make sure to update you. Until then, enjoy the post-Christmas feasting.

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