Rocket League screenshot of the new Farmstead map and its cardboard cut-out cows

After being teased for a couple of weeks now, Rocket League's Autumn Update has finally arrived. It brings with it the end of Season 5 and the beginning of Season 6, a brand new map by the name of Farmstead, Wasteland and Starbase ARC maps redesigned as standard arenas, as well as a whole bunch of new cosmetics to collect.

In terms of new features, this update has finally added local multiplayer to Rocket League! This is currently only available on the Steam version, but soon everyone will be able to host and join LAN matches for up to eight players without ever needing to connect to the Internet! Besides this amazing addition, the Autumn Update has also added transparent goalposts to make the goalie's life just a little bit easier, as well as the beta version of a new spectator camera to help out the budding esports scene.

There are simply far too many changes to go over all of them in detail, so if you're looking to learn a little bit more, or just check out some of the cosmetics, I would recommend you head over to the official patch notes. And finally, allow me to leave you with the recently posted trailer as it offers a good look at most of these new elements and features. Enjoy!

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