Portal 2 themed car.

If you thought I was praising Psyonix and their Rocket League too much already then I'm afraid your head might explode given that I just realized they announced an official crossover with Portal 2.

And not only is the game getting a whole bunch of cool cosmetics, you will be able to get them completely free as after-match drops. Portal themed drops will be available from December 1st.

In order to qualify for one of the new fancy Portal 2 skins you will have to play a full game of Rocket league and once you finish (win or lose) you will have a chance of an item dropping. They haven't mentioned if you will be able to get duplicates or what the actual drop chance is but given that the event, at least currently, doesn't have an end time luck probably won't matter as you'll be able to get everything, eventually.

As far as what the items are, here's a list straight from the developers:

Cake (Topper)

Conversion Gel (Rocket Trail)

Propulsion Gel (Rocket Trail)

Repulsion Gel (Rocket Trail)

Aperture Laboratories (Antenna)

Cake Sticker (Antenna)

Companion Cube (Antenna)

Personality Core (Antenna)

PotatOS (Antenna) 

One thing I noticed is that the car showcased in this article's intro image is not on the list of available drops. Whether this means i'm a dumb dumb and its model is in the game already or if its going to be obtained in some other fashion I don't know for certain. But given that the Portal 2 themed patch is coming shortly I guess we'll find out soon.

In any case I'm really, really impressed with how Rocket League is progressing. They've added a lot of new content to the game completely free while keeping the rare few DLCs they have as high quality cosmetics with zero in game benefits. If that isn't commendable I don't know what is.

Rocket League is currently a part of the Steam sale with a 33% discount though with two days of the sale left it might drop even further so keep an eye out on its Store page if you want to join in the Portal 2 themed festivities.

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