Rocket League pimped out demon car

As promised back in March, Rocket League has now enabled cross-network play between the Xbox One and Steam PC versions, thus making it the very first Xbox One game to do so.

This should come as a massive boost to the playerbase as the already sizable amount of people on the PC version will be joined by nearly 2 million Xbox One players. If this is something you don't desire, however, you have the option to disable cross-network play from within the options menu.

Along with the cross-network update came a tiny bug-fixing patch that focused mostly on an annoying crashing issue. You will find the full patch notes over at the Rocket League website, but don't expect to see too much.

Now that we have support for PC <-> PS4 multiplayer, as well as PC <-> Xbox One, do you think the two console giants will be able to set aside their differences and embrace for the first ever the possibility of true cross-platform multiplayer? Chances are the answer is a resounding no, but it would be immensely helpful when it comes to preserving games with small, or rather niche audiences that just kind of fade away these days.

Whatever the case, this is yet another in a line of amazing updates Rocket League has received since it launched, and here's to hoping a whole bunch more will arrive in the future as well.

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