Nioh 2 artwork for a snake-like demon

[Update]: Nioh 2 update has finally added mouse & keyboard prompts for the PC version.

If you grabbed the original Nioh during some of the recent sales and found yourself enjoying its take on the Souls-like gameplay formula, you'll be pleased to hear that the sequel has now finally arrived onto PC. Best of all, Nioh 2: The Complete Edition has launched with all three of its DLC expansions already bundled together: The Tengu’s Disciple, Darkness in the Capital, and The First Samurai.

Rather than babble on, allow me to share with you the recently posted launch trailer. It should give you a pretty good idea of what the PC version looks like and what it has to offer. Have a gander:

Unfortunately, much like Horizon Zero Dawn and a few other recent ports, the PC version of Nioh 2 currently has a couple of annoying problems. First and foremost, there are no in-game prompts for keyboard & mouse controls, so while it's perfectly playable, it'll likely take you a while to figure out what does what. Secondly, I've seen quite a few reports about the performance being sketchy on older machines, though personally I've had no real trouble in the 20 minutes I've played so far.

The good news is that the developers are aware of these issues and are already working on fixing them. So unless you're incredibly eager to dive into Nioh 2, it may be wise to wait a week or two, just to ensure you get a nice and smooth experience all the way through.

Once a major update goes live I'll make sure to let you know. Until then, you can keep an eye on the team's progress, as well as check out some of the user reviews, by hopping over to Steam.

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