The original Remnant: From the Ashes was a highly ambitious game that combined Dark Souls inspired combat with looter-shooter mechanics and even a bit of Diablo-like level design. Yet despite stretching itself far and wide, Remnant: From the Ashes actually managed to pull it off quite well. It wasn't perfect by any stretch, but as I've noted throughout my review, the gameplay was a ton of fun.
As such, it should come as little surprise to hear that the freshly released sequel Remnant II is essentially a bigger and more polished version of the original. After all, why mess with a formula that works! In terms of major improvements, Remnant II brings with it a bigger variety of abilities and builds, a much more elaborate melee combat system, more impressive randomized maps, and most importantly of all, an adorable canine companion for one of the classes!
You can get a pretty good idea of what all of this looks like in action, as well as how cute the doggy is, through the gameplay overview trailer below. Have a peek:
While I've had no issues myself, I have seen a fair few reports about the performance being rather shaky on certain hardware. So if you're willing to accept to a bit of advice, I'd recommend giving Remnant II a couple of weeks before diving in. While the extra wait does suck, at least you'll be able to enjoy the gameplay without all of the usual post-launch nonsense that seems to accompany most games these days.
Whatever your plans may be, you can read more about Remnant II and its current state over at Steam. Enjoy!