Star Wars : The Old Republic Anarchy in Paradise expansion chapter is coming on February 11th

Star Wars: The Old Republic - Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion launched last fall bringing with it plenty of content that will continue to be expanded on throughout 2016.

The first out of seven of these chapters is titled Anarchy in Paradise and will be releasing on February 11th. Anarchy in Paradise and the future chapters will be available for free to anyone subscribed. Here's the teaser trailer:


 Bioware provided a short synopsis of what you can expect to see with Anarchy in Paradise:

"Anarchy in Paradise introduces a new ally, an infamous mercenary known as Firebrand. Her mission is to destroy the Eternal Empire by attacking Zakuul and crushing the seat of power, the Eternal Throne, by any means necessary. It will be up to the Outlander to decide just how far he or she is willing to go to beat the Eternal Emperor. Players will experience the grim consequences of their past decisions and feel the grip of the hand of fate on their dangerous journey.

Anarchy in Paradise introduces a new ally, an infamous mercenary known as Firebrand. Her mission is to destroy the Eternal Empire by attacking Zakuul and crushing the seat of power, the Eternal Throne, by any means necessary. It will be up to the Outlander to decide just how far he or she is willing to go to beat the Eternal Emperor. Players will experience the grim consequences of their past decisions and feel the grip of the hand of fate on their dangerous journey."

If you are a new player there are currently a couple of promotions running that you might be interested in. First of all you can activate a level 60 boost during character creation and instantly be ready to explore the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion though be warned this won't work for your current characters, it has to be a new one.

There is also a Subscriber Rewards program that will grant you a permanent follower, the HK-55 Assassin Droid, if you are subscribed on January 11 2016 as well as various other rewards for those who are subscribed during the first of each month from February to August.

The rewards are mostly HK-55 themed and will grant you unique gear, weapons and a mount as well as a two day head start on the expansion chapter releasing that month and finally, if you remained subscribed from January 11 to August 1, you will be granted a bonus chapter in which you'll be able to play as HK-55 itself.

If you tried SW:TOR a while back and simply gave up on it I'd suggest you give it a second look, it has improved significantly over time. Even its extremely restrictive F2P model has gotten a lot more lenient with what you can and can't do, though you're still heavily incentivized to subscribe.

But if you're like me and you don't care much for the MMO aspects of it I'd still give it a shot if only to just play through it for the story alone as its rather well done.

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