State of Decay 2 screenshot of a ruined house and writing on the wall

Despite being a zombie survival game in a sea of other zombie survival games, the original State of Decay managed to break away from the formula by focusing less on one overpowered character, and more on an entire community that had to work together in order to survive. It was most definitely a flawed game, but it was one with a whole lot of potential, potential that State of Dacay 2 will soon have a chance to try and live up to.

If you're curious about what all of this might look like in gameplay terms, allow me to share with you the recently posted launch trailer. While it won't tell you whether State of Decay 2 is any good or not, it will at least give you a pretty darn good idea of what you can expect to see from it. Have a look:

State of Decay 2 will be coming to PC (via Windows 10) and Xbox One this May 22nd. Like most Windows 10 games, it'll be a part of the Xbox Play Anywhere program, meaning that you will only need to purchase one copy in order to play on both platforms. Perhaps most importantly, there will also be cross-platform co-op!

You can learn more about State of Decay 2, as well as sign up for the technical beta, by visiting the official website.

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