Official artwork from the game SOMA

With Halloween season now in full swing, it was only a matter of time before the various horror games started going on a bit of a discount. As such, I'm sure it won't come as much of a surprise to hear that the annual Steam Halloween Sale has now arrived, bringing with it a large assortment of good games at equally good discounts.

So if you're looking to dive into a couple of 'spooktacular' horror games, you might want to go and give the sale a look sooner rather than later, as it's expiration date is quite close indeed. To be more specific, the Steam Halloween Sale will be closing down its doors a mere two days from now, on November 1st!

For those of you unsure about which games to grab, allow me to share a brief list of some of my favorites. Before I begin, it is worth mentioning that many of the games currently featured on the Halloween Sale are well and truly good, so if you have even a bit of free time I would highly recommend you go and check them all out. As for right now, however, here are some of my favorites:

Vermintide 2

• Left 4 Dead 2

• Amnesia: The Dark Descent


• Dying Light

• Alien: Isolation

If you're wondering which one of these I would recommend you play first, I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to come back with an easier question as I feel like I'll be more comfortable trying to guess the release date for Half-Life 3. The reason I say this is because they're all astounding games in their own way - some are more action orientated, others are a great substitute for laxative given their fright-factor, and some like Dying Light, are just a boatload of fun in co-op. 

So whatever you choose, from this list or the storefront itself, I do hope you end up enjoying the Halloween season!

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